


Justice Delivery system is basic ingredient of any functional democracy. Lawyers are integral part of this. Legal Profession is a noble profession.  The role of advocate is not merely to argue a case of client. He has to have larger vision. Lawyer is the best defense of social order and justice. If a lawyer is not prepared to stand between state (which is often puppet in the hands of  vested interests)  and persons, groups being persecuted it is the end of rule of law. Especially conscious advocates have special duty in this regard. The faith of the helpless, faceless common man in the village, in the forest, in urban slum, towards the constitutional democratic system has to be restored, sustained, and nurtured. Otherwise the antinational elements will usher in anarchy. 

          Adhivakta Parishad supplements the efforts made by field organizations. Necessary assistance for packaging their activity will be given. Adhivakta Parishad cannot be a substitute for their activity. The advocates inspired by this Adhivakta Parishad will help (they are duty bound to do so) these organizations, individuals and communities to move forward in their activity. This will help remove many irritants in their way. The legal front has been unexplored by many of good friends who are struggling in the field.  Many of them are too naïve to appreciate this proposal as many of them do not know how to use legal skills to their advantage. They will have to be galvanized.

                   Many learned men expect Adhivakta Parishad to be modern/futuristic constituent assembly. The concerned advocates with experience in the concerned field have to scan the proposed legislations  and rules being made and co ordinate with the experts and activists of that field.  The legislation and subordinate legislation need to be scrutinized thoroughly. The factual ground level situation need to be noticed and proper feedback to be sent to the law makers. Right interventions at the right moment have to be done. This needs networking.

          The elders, well wishers indicated that

1.Social Justice, (exploitation, discrimination, being cheated out of the system and pushed to fringes);

2.National Security;

3.Social Evils, Cultural onslaught;

4. Protection and rejuvenation of institutions which have been inculcating the values in the society and

5. Development and strengthening Indo-Centric Legal Systemmay be the issue which needs immediate attention.

these issues need to be stressed for considerable period so that these issues will percolate and sink into the organizational structure.

           The active advocate in a town will be knowing everything if only he has the taste and inclination. The advocate has the scope to connect with any one and if he has the ‘ears’ he will know who comes and who goes around and what is happening, where the people are getting agitated where the traps are laid  by evil forces. When the antenna is up and active, the information flows in.   

                   Advocates need intellectual challenges. This keeps his spirit high. A person will be attached to the work /organization and he will be happily immersed if his intellectual appetite (however small it may be) is satisfied. An advocate gets into happy mood if he wins a case by taking out a new point and interprets the issue with new vision. He will be more delighted and excited if he sees his ‘skills’; ‘ideas’and ‘tools’ deliver goods for the good intentioned organizations. It touches his heart. Adhivakta Parishad must be able to appeal to his urge to do tasks befitting his intellectual appetite. Apart from asking him to meet once in a month for a meeting or lecture, he could be asked to look into legal issues. His curiosity must be aroused and he will be guided into activism and then it gives him satisfaction that he is part of larger activity which is delivering goods for good people. .

